
Showing posts from July, 2019

Juniper Publishers-The Influence of Organization Social Capital on Strategic Performance in Role of Technological Uncertainly in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries Iran

Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Social Sciences & Management studies The Influence of Organization Social Capital on Strategic Performance in Role of Technological Uncertainly in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries Iran Authored by  Mohammad Hajimolaali Introduction In a knowledge-based economy, intangible assets of organizations are increasingly becoming a decisive factor in competitiveness. Such assets, such as skills and knowledge of employees, are viewed as the essence of competitive advantage [1]. Social capital is the set of norms in the social systems that promote the level of cooperation of the members of that society [2]. This capital points to the links and connections among the members of the network as a valuable resource, which creates norms and mutual trust, which serves the purposes of the members [3]. The experts consider social capital as aspects of social organization such as norms, social networks and mutual t...

Juniper Publishers: Internet Computerized Adaptive Testing to Detect C...

Juniper Publishers: Internet Computerized Adaptive Testing to Detect C... : Psychologyand Behavioral Science International Journal   Juniper Publishers Abstract Objective:  Surveys are often conducted but rar...

Juniper Publishers-The Whirling Dervishes: An Old Heritage Recognized at Last

Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Social Sciences & Management studies The Whirling Dervishes: An Old Heritage Recognized at Last Authored by   Ikrame Selkani Introduction In the 13 th century, the great thinker of Sufism, Jalal DIN Rûmî, blends in the Mevlevi’s order in Konya, a city in Turkey. The members of the Mevlevi’s order are called “the whirling dervishes” which bears this name due to the movement of their dance. This dance is performed during a ceremony called “Sema”, during which whirling dervishes perform rotations on themselves more and more quickly following the sound of traditional music. Konya, the largest crossroads city in the world, home to more than a million inhabitants, located at the center of many religions, became a very important place, a sort of pilgrimage since the remains of the founder of the Order of the Mevlevis lies there. From the mausoleum to the museum of Mevlana and the manifestation...

Juniper Publishers: Prostate Volume, Size Does Matter. Growth Dynamics...

Juniper Publishers: Prostate Volume, Size Does Matter. Growth Dynamics... : JOJ Urology & Nephrology     Juniper Publishers Abstract Background:  Analysis of prostatic growth has focused on the whole glan...

Juniper Publishers-Annals of Social Sciences & Management studies

Showcasing the Cultural Potential of its Municipality– A Case Study of the Lime City Council, South West Region; Cameroon Authored by  Evaristus Nyong Abam Introduction Culture is the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, or the behaviours and beliefs, characteristic of a social, ethnic, or age group. Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts[1].The word “culture” is derived from a French term which in turn is derived from the Latin word “colere,” which means to tend to the earth and grow, or cultivation and nurture. It shares its etymology with several other words related to actively fostering growth [2].There are different kinds of culture, but culture is generally divided into two different types: material culture and non-material culture. Material ...

Juniper Publishers - Role of European Military Officers in the Army of Ranjit Singh: A Case Study of Its Training and Expeditions

Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Social Sciences & Management studies Role of European Military Officers in the Army of Ranjit Singh: A Case Study of Its Training and Expeditions Authored by  Ahmad Ali Introduction The ascent of the Sikhs, as another power in Northern India, was not sudden, rather it was a continuous procedure extending admirably over the whole eighteenth century. Disobedience had not only shaken the Mughal Government but also ascended the full anger of imperial reprisal. Bhangi Sikhs, being utilized at the time in raiding and looking for assets, or in demanding tribute in Multan and Bahawalpur regions, failed to manage the cost of aid [1]. Numerous liberty Sardars, who had previously attached themselves to the Bhangi Misl, exchanged their services. Meanwhile, Abdali’s son, Timur Shah, pushed them from Multan and protected his colonies of Bahawalpur, Mankera and Sind from their violation. (Jafri) During this pe...