Modeling the Birth Rate of Single-Industry Towns on the Basis of Indicators of Business Demography-Juniper Publishers

Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers Introduction Modern economic relations are practically based on the processes of creation of new enterprises [1-3]. The synchronicity of the economic system, its dynamic stability is provided by the economic mechanism, pursuing common objectives – the creation/birth of new business structures [4,5]. Growing indicators of demographic processes in business statistics show that everything is going right. Tracking demographic processes allows you to get an idea of the real processes taking place in the economy, to assess how sustainable entrepreneurship is in the current conditions: the processes of creating a really new business or the growth of the number of enterprises are the result of restructuring, etc. [6,7]. For example, the analysis of the dynamics of the number of operating enterprises – legal entities and its impact on the level of production should be carried out in close connection with the metho...