
Showing posts from September, 2021

Research Function of Planning in Administrative Works at Modern Offices-Juniper Publishers

   Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers General Reasoning About Office Planning Functions And Related Studies Planning is a function of governance that includes activities that define goals for the future and the appropriate means to accomplish those goals. The outcome of the plan is a plan - that is, a written document that clearly identifies the sequence of activities that the company or organization will perform. Planning is the process of defining organizational goals and the best way to achieve those goals. Thus, the planning work in the above sense must include simultaneously two processes of determining goals (what needs to be done?); Identify the path to the goal (how to do it). Planning is one of the most fundamental and meaningful activities of managers. The concept of planning in general is understood to be the outline and improvement of ideas and projects. Planning is highly strategic and with the development of the organization, th...

The Crisis of our Time: Return to the Man and to Humanistic Culture-Juniper Publishers

    Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers The History’s Lesson: Anthropological Crisis Not Economic The School of Athens that Raphael painted starting in 1508 when, aged 25, he was called to Rome by Pope Julius II. Raphael grew up during the Italian High Renaissance and drew (Figure 1). The leading lights of that era are all there, gathered around the two central characters: Plato, his finger pointing skywards to indicate the world of ideas and the spirit, and Aristotle, who instead stretches out his hand palm down to indicate the real world and scientific experience. The world of ideas and the spirit can never be divorced from an empirical quest for truth. So, everything must be focused on a search for what is true, for beauty, to promote the primary aim: the fulfilment of human happiness. But the world was by no means a paradise in either ancient Athens or in Raphael’s time. Both were times in which life was generally extremely hard, unrefined...

Towards an Improved Bio-Resource Management System-Juniper Publishers

   Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers Opinion Bio-resource management is an issue that concerns sustainability of the global commons that humans depend on. This sustainability is sought to be ensured through reduction of environmental stressors that are generated through unplanned, unintended activities of humankind. Earth’s interlocked web of life is stressed through degradation in biotic (living environment including all organisms) and pollution in abiotic (physical environment like space, temperature, soil, air and precipitation) factors. These factors are involved in the production and consumption processes of energy and nutrient use in agriculture, industry and human services. Generally, there is a constant tussle between private and public use of bio-resources. There is difference of opinions over primacy of utilitarian economic imperatives of ‘wise-use’ of the environment by the agri-business and industrial sectors and the political-et...