The Silent Takeover of Power by the Far-Right-Juniper Publishers
Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers The Silent Takeover of Power by the Far-Right Within a timeframe of fewer than ten years, the world has witnessed a significant shift from progressive governments towards the far-right across Europe and several other Western societies [1-2]. Amongst the countries who have made this move, three, in particular, call our attention: Brazil, Italy and the US. The common feature among them is the fact that their respective emerging leaders have brought to the surface quite similar political discourses. Whilst Donald Trump has hailed ‘America First’, in Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro has fostered the motto ‘Pátria Amada Brasil’ (Brazil, beloved nation), whereas, in Italy, Matteo Salvini defends ‘Prima gli italiani’ (First the Italians) [3-5]. More than catchy political slogans, these three analogous discourses reveal a particular world view advocated by the respective political leaders centred mostly on strong nationali...