Validating the Addiction Severity Index (ASI-6) on Offender Re-Arrest-Juniper Publishers
Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers Introduction The ability of any offender to self-correct and/or rehabilitate oneself with the stigma of an arrest, conviction and/or incarceration is difficult. Most offenders will cycle through the system like an assembly line (Packer, 1968) with barriers for reintegration either improperly prioritized or left untreated [1]. Each States’ correctional system operate differently and as such the processes and outcomes of intake personnel as well as probation and parole officers (and their caseloads) vary widely. Offenders will often have so many barriers to reintegration that they may not self-report and/or probation/ parole or case managers may be unable to determine the best course/ pathway to reduce future offending. This study sheds more light on the intake process and the Addiction Severity Index, version 6 ASI-6). The ASI-6 should be considered a risk assessment tool which can identify and prioritize offender ris...