The Coronavirus Crisis. Governance, Social and Political Economy Issues (A Short Note)- Juniper Publishers

Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers Introduction Within just three months, the coronavirus crisis has hit all continents with, after China, Europe becoming the new center of propagation. As indicated by Figure 1, in the Annex, the number of deaths is spiraling – virtually out of control. The US is affected. Africa and Latin American countries are lagging behind. In this note, three critical issues, related to the on-going crisis, are discussed. In the first section, the seemingly lack of crisis management with adequate forecasting tools is discussed. The next section concentrates on the social dimensions of health when pandemics prevail. The influence of the big pharmaceutical companies and major countries is briefly presented in the third section. Go to Tools for Assessing Risks The role of think tanks The RAND Corporation, a leading US think tank, has developed a number...