Identification and Prioritization of Major Factors that Challenge Crop Productivity and Production System in the Case of Gamo Gofa, Segen Area People Zone and Basketo Special Woreda A Review Essay-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal Of Social Sciences & Management studies

Authored by Tariku Simion

Agriculture employs more than 84 percent and contributes 30-60% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in Ethiopia. Agriculture output also is used as an input for industries and can stimulate the growth of industrialization. In SNNPR, 90% of the total population depends on agriculture as a source of cash income, home consumption, as industry inputs and for export purpose. This survey was conducted at Gamogofa, Segen Area People Zones and Basket Special Woreda by Arbaminch Agricultural Research Center to identify and prioritize major factors that challenge crop production and productivity and to meet the demand and need of stakeholders, markets and end users in the study areas. Formal and informal data sources were used to generate information. Lack of improved crops varieties and associated improved management and protection practices were some of the major constraints that were identified and needs attention for further research solutions in the crop production systems.


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