Need Forensic Management in the Business Sectors of Developing Countries: Benefits and Strategies A Review Essay-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal Of Social Sciences & Management studies

Authored by Kingsley Akarowhe

In less developed, developing and developed countries of the world, every sector of the economy innovates new strategies/approach/practices in the way and manner at which they carry out their daily affairs for improve productivity on the aggregate. The business sector, in developing countries inspite of its pertinent role of contributing to national development and economic growth, is faced with on-going techniques/strategies/practices of management which often seems to yield little result in terms of aggregate productivity. These on-going techniques/strategies/practices seem to be highly cost effective and less emphasis is placed on handling fraudulent activities in the course of managing a business in the business sector. It is due to this fact the researcher innovated the need for forensic management in the business sectors of developing countries. Forensic management is aimed at adopting a managerial approach in tackling misappropriation, mismanagement, embezzlement of funds and other fraudulent related issues in a given business sector, with a resultant high level of productivity in the business sector.


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