Spatio - Organizational Restructuring of the Banking Industrial Sub-Sector in Ibadan Metropolis-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal Of Social Sciences & Management studies

Authored by Clement Ebizimor Deinne

The purpose of his paper is to examine the spatial implications of restructuring financial institutions, factors influencing the reform and the changes perceived after restructuring financial institutions in Ibadan metropolis. Two major research instruments were adopted in this study, these are the In-depth Interview (IDI) and the use of structured questionnaire through participatory approach, the involvement of the respondents across different socio-economic groups ranging from students, bankers, civil-servants, traders and the unemployed. The result reveals a significant difference in the factors influencing the restructuring of financial institutions among different socio-economic groups in Ibadan metropolis at 0.05 significant level (P < 0.05).


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