Why Start New Journal-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Social Sciences & Management studies

Why Start New Journal

Authored by Leonid Ionin

Currently, there are two views on the nature and, accordingly, future of scientific journals. The first is regulatory the second is descriptive and realistic. According to the first, scientific journals perform a dual function – they promptly inform the scientific community about the latest results of science, and at the same time work as a mechanism for regulating and maintaining a high level of research. The article sent to a journal is usually subjected to expert examination (peer review) and enters into competition with other articles. The more authoritative the journal, the stricter the selection and higher the requirements for professional level. Thus, scientific journals serve as feedback channels through which the scientific community regulates (increases) the level of research in the area. This is, in the most general terms, a generally accepted view of the role of scientific journals in the current era. It is this understanding that the vast majority of universities, research institutes and individual scholars are guided by. It is publications in scientific journals of a certain level that determine the success of a scientist, his scientific career, as well as the university’s rating and, ultimately, his financial, ideological and other role in the world.

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