
Showing posts from January, 2020

Juniper Publishers: The Effectiveness of Ferric Carboxymaltose in Chil...

Juniper Publishers: The Effectiveness of Ferric Carboxymaltose in Chil... : Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health Iron deficiency is the most common minerals deficiency worldwide. Iron has a major role in pr...

Ethnoconvenience: A Cousin of Colorism and Colorblindness and a Behavior of Tolerance and Exclusion-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Social Sciences Abstract Many organizations have instituted policies of tolerance as official parts of their corporate or agency diversity and inclusion initiatives, and many people have become accustomed to using the term synonymously with acceptance and inclusion. Tolerance, however, despite the likely intended meaning of the term, is a white-centric artifact developed by the empowered in a dominant-subordinated culture, with the word, at its very roots, making the implication that people of color and other minority groups are to be tolerated—accepted against the standards and norms in a culture of eurocentrism and racial privilege. Essentially, attitudes, language, and behaviors of tolerance include a group of behaviors, such as colorblindness, colorism, sameness, centralization, credentializing, and tokenization, among others, that espouse tolerance and therefore, instead of diversity, equity, and inclusion promote toleration and exclusion. We ...

Cognition: from Physiology to Sociology and Back-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Social Sciences Opinion The recent literature on cognition shows that different disciplines, from biology to psychology, addressing the unsettled problem of information processing, are converging towards a widely shared conjecture: intelligence is the result of a process of self-organization. Interdisciplinary unification is expected to lead to a mathematical model establishing a bridge between life evolution and sociology. Preliminary results show that genuinely spontaneous organization generates intelligent crucial events, namely changes of flying direction adapting the self-organizing society to the environment. Moving from biology to cultural anthropology makes us realize that the organization process may be affected by cognition killing top-down influences. The lack of intelligence has the effect of generating organization collapses. All this suggests that the most benecial forms of management are horizontal rather than vertical. The cogni...

Making Sense of Sustainable Project Management-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Social Sciences Introduction Sustainability is one of the most important challenges of our time. How can we develop prosperity, without compromising the life of future generations? The pressure on companies to consider sustainability in their business practices is increasing, and the integration of sustainability into core business functions is considered one of the most important leadership challenge facing business today [1]. Integration of the principles of sustainability requires rethinking and redevelopment of business strategies, products/services, processes and resources [2]. In the implementation of strategies, projects play an essential role, and this also applies to sustainability strategies [3]. Marcelino-Sádaba et al. [4] therefore conclude that “Organizations, nowadays are increasingly keen on to include sustainability in their business. Project management can help make this process a success” . The relationship between sustainabil...

Right to Information in India: Deriving Sustenance from Ancient Indian Culture & Promoting Democracy in India-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Social Sciences Abstract In fact, transparency or openness providing information and knowledge about the state and government is a primary and natural requisite for a democratic state like India which derives its roots from the ancient India’s distinguished cultural identity based upon eternal moral values and universal-ethical ideas and ideals, that altogether pave the way for arousal and inculcating of feelings of righteousness, sincerity, devotion and gratitude etc. in one’s heart or mind for realizing his or her responsibility and accountability both in temporal as well as spiritual life in the true spirit of the term. While such sincere and devotional imperatives in the material life of an individual life may lead one towards sublimation, when applied on a society which is an expanded form of an individual, can pave the way for creation of a perfect or just social and political order i.e. from the erstwhile prevailing system of government...