
Showing posts from December, 2020

Wishing you a Happy New Year with Hope and happiness

  May your  New year and every day ahead sparkle with happiness and new surprises!!

A Comparison of BCM with BBCM-Juniper Publishers

    Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers Introduction Today, the most prevailing cosmological model for the observable universe is the Big Bang cosmological model (BBCM) [1]. The Big Bang hypothesis states that all the current and past matter in the Universe came into existence at the same time, roughly 15 billion years ago. At this time, all matter was compacted into a very small ball with infinite density and intense heat called a Singularity. Suddenly, the Singularity began expanding, and the universe as we know it began. This model has been confronted to a variety of observations that allow one to reconstruct its expansion history, its thermal history and the structuration of matter. In order to explain new phenomena observed, new concepts such as Dark Matter (DM) and Dark Energy (DE) have been introduced, but after many decades of search, there is no clue what DM and DE are [2,3]. pointed out that at least two obvious question...

Behavior Related to Taxation System: Example of Bi-Criteria Linear Program for Animal Diet Formulation- Juniper Publishers

  Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers Introduction Animal diet formulation is a very important problem from an economic and environmental point of view, so it is an interesting example in the field of operations research. Many modern animal diet formulation methods tend to consider not only the cost of the diet but also excretions that are detrimental from an environmental point of view. Following [5], it is appropriate to apply a tax on excretions to change the behavior of the producers in the swine industry. These changes in behavior are studied using a formulation of the problem as a bi-criteria model and are obtained by the determination of its Pareto set. For linear models, the changes in behavior of the producer are abrupt (discrete) and correspond to specific values of the tax. In other words, even in increasing the tax it can happen that there is no change in the behavior of the producer. Behavior changes happened only at very ...

Major Factors that Influencing Experiments of Chemistry Courses in Nekemte College of Teacher Education, Oromia Region, Ethiopia-Juniper Publishers

  Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers Introduction For higher education the goal is to develop highly qualified, motivated and innovate human resources, produce and transfer advanced relevant knowledge for socio-economic development and poverty reduction with a view to turning Ethiopia into a middle-income country by the year 2017 [1]. Quality is also crucial challenge at higher education level due to the rapid expansion of this sub-sector. There is an increased need to focus on quality improvement with regard to human and material resources as well as reform of process [2]. Science has been thought by lecturing methods for a long time. In lecture method, the students listen to the teacher, but no any practically done. They learn concepts and theory. This affects their results of chemistry laboratory course as well as other natural science course [3]. In the same way natural science should be supported by experiment in addition to theoretical part....