The Implication of Gender-Based Violence on the Academic Achievement of Female Students, in the Case of Aba Fransua High School of Wolkite Town-Juniper Publishers
Annals of Social Sciences & Management Studies-Juniper Publishers
Background of the study
The term gender based violence on women can interchangeable be used as violence against women as it refers ‘any acts of gender based violence that results in or is likely to result in harm or suffer to the female student including the threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether its occurring publicly or privately” [2].
Various literature has been suggested that, “gender based violence” is the general term used to capture violence that occurs as a result of the normative role expectation associated with each gender, along with unequal power relationship between the two gender , with in the context of specific society, broom (2008).while women ,girls ,men and boys can be victim of gender based violence ,the main focus of this resource package is on violence against women and girls student .in an international context gender based violence has gained increasing international attention since the ratification of the united nation declaration on the elimination of violence against women in Vienna in 1993.followed by the international conference on population and development in cairoin1994 and at the fourth world conference on women held in Beijing in 1995” [2].
The case of violence against women in developing countries is disturbingly very high Morrison and Orlando (2004). In African countries the twin effect of poverty and underdevelopment worsen the life of women. Women in such countries are less educated, not equally involved in decision-making, and tend to benefit less from the overall development process (ibid). In addition, a staggering 45.6% of women 15 years and older in Africa have experienced intimate partner violence (physical and/or sexual) or non-partner sexual violence or both, the highest prevalence in the world” [2].
Like most other region in Ethiopia, the problem of “Gender based violence” is highly observed in Southern region where the focus of the study is in Wolkite (Capital Town of Guraghe). Thus, most of the problem that affects a female education is gender based violence in both inside and outside the school especially that of outside the school is the barrier to the female students and also there were the belief among the community that female student are not equally parallel with male student. Therefore, the school and qualification are very important for current and future work but gender-based violence is the major obstacles for female students. As majority of female students fell that they were inferior to male students, because of the problem that they faced from GBV both in home and at school. Emphasis should be placed on behavioral change on the part gender-based violence in relation to school achievement.
Statement of the problem
The problem of gender and violence against female student associated with and has its roots the structure of the society where the deep-rooted patriarchal system contributing to the problem and inequality between the gender [1]. However, regarding this existing literature confirms our expectation that low expectation of Ethiopian female students in education is evidence the above assertion. The gender –based violence is having an adverse impact on every aspect of female student in general and other academic achievements [2].
Various literatures had been conducted by different researchers to assess the extent of “Gender based violence.” However, their finding gives over emphasis on the magnitude of the problem (through surveying) at the expense of some pertinent problems such as causes, types and effects of the violence on the rights of girls through the lenses of international and national human rights instruments. In addition, there is another research (finding) which is conducted by Helen [3]. She studied that the specific sexual harassment only than looking the problem of female students through the broader lenses of gender based violence which furnishes a causal link between different violence, Furthermore, those researcher’s did not emphasis about the impact, and type of gender based violence that affect female students on their academic achievements.
It is apparent that School Related gender Based violence is deeply rooted and has devastating consequences on girl’s participation in education yet adequate scholarly work has not been carried out to explore this phenomenon. Furthermore, there is a limited knowledge on the impact of gender-based violence on academic achievement of female student as a problem by the community and many female students are vulnerable to this problem. Therefore, this study sought to determine the influence of School-Related Gender based violence on performance in High schools in the study area (Wolkite town) and also, to find out methods which enable us to create awareness by attempting to identify and analyze the impact of gender based violence on academic achievement of female student.
Objectives of the study
General objective
The general objective of the study is to find out the impact of gender-based violence on academic achievement of female students in “Aba fransua” High schools.
Specific objectives
a) To identify major type of gender-based violence that affects female educational achievements in Wolkite High school.
b) To identify socio-cultural factor associated with genderbased violence among female student in the study area.
c) To examine how gender-based violence affect the achievement of female student.
Review of Related literature
The concept of gender
Gender is one of the universal dimensions on which status difference are based unlike sex which is a biological concept. Gender is a social construct specifying the socially and culturally prescribed roles that men and women are to follow, Gerda Lerner, has written a book entitled (the creation of patriarchy), he described the concept of gender as the “costume a mask, a strait jacket” in which men and women dance their unequal dance (P, 238) women have always had a lower status than men but the extent of the gap between the sexes varies across cultures and times.
Gender could be defined as the characteristic that the society or the culture delineates as masculine and famine while sex as male or female is a biological what that sex means in terms of roles as men or women in society can be quite different cross culturally. Gender role refers to the characteristics and behavior that different cultures attribute to the sexes what it means to be a real man in any culture requires male with what culture define as masculine character and behavior likewise a real women needs female sex with famine the characteristics [4].
Gender based violence situation in ethiopia
Gender based violence like rape, abduction, and battery are pervasive in Ethiopia among all ethnic group, religious and socioeconomic class affecting women physically psychologically and economically. According to the declaration for elimination of all form of violence against women (DEVAW). Gender based violence occurs everywhere especially in;
The family
Violence like beating or battery, sexual abuse of female children in the household rape, FGM, and other traditional those are harmful to women.
The community
GBV including rap, abduction, early marriage, sexual abuse, trafficking in women and forced prostitution, sexual harassment and intimidation at work, in education and another establishment.
Religious and education establishments; rap, sexual harassment, intimations are frequently common.
The state and others
Religious and education establishments; rap, sexual harassment, intimations are frequently common.
The state and others
Includes human rights to women in the country’s laws or situation of armed conflict. Victim (person affected by GBV): victims are usually women of all age, all educational level and social status. Majority of victim were 5-25 age groups of women.
The commonest forms of gender-based violence in Ethiopia
The commonest form of GBV in Ethiopia are domestic violence 71%; rape; female genital mutilation 73.5% marriage by abduction 70.5%; trafficking in women forced prostitution; sexual harassment in the term of verbal, physical and sexual. WHO (2004). The incidence of gender-based violence’s or the forms of the violence, could be varied from society to society and even within one society there could be a variety, in terms of the prevalence and frequently of the different forms of the problem [5].
According to the report released by the regional women affair’s bureau in (2008/09) the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), the practice of early marriage is considered the two forms that have the most impact on the educational achievement of girls and women in the region. Despite, these two forms are the leading forms which hamper the most to the women, there are some other forms which also have an impaction the educational forms which also have an impaction the educational achievement of girls and women in gubre town such as sexual harassment, physical violence, psychological violence, domestic violence’s and etc. as mentioned earlier could be a difference in the frequency and prevalence from one form to the other form, (Gender directorate of ORS- WAB, 2008/09).
Research Methods
Background of the study area
The study was conducted in Gubre town, which is found in the capital ‘city’ of Gurghe zone (wolkite) located at 158km south of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The town of wolkite comprises people with diversified ethnic and religious such as, Amhara, Hadya, Kembata and other diversified people. Following, Christianity, Muslims, and other religion. The town is situated in southern part of Ethiopia with astronomical location of, 07˚08˚10˚, north latitude with 37˚37˚50˚east .Socio economic back ground of the people found in this area mainly engage in agricultural activity like, production of enset, teff, corn, and different vegetable production and trade. The study area also found in Gubre town, and it’s surrounded by traditional marketplace. Abba fransua High school was established in 1986, there were 400 students with in four staff and four classes, then after 1990 the school reformed to occupy High school, and finally the school was consisted preparatory school in 2007. Therefore, in recent time total numbers of students were 1200, from the total population or students 735 are male whereas 467 are female.
Study design
The researcher was used cross sectional research design, and also mixed research approach were employed, or both qualitative as well as quantitative approach was used because it enable the researcher to triangulate the data and in order to get deep insight about the belief attitude of the student toward gender based violence, as priority issue in High school of Abbafransua, its underlying reason and the mechanism of presentation also ,whereas the qualitative data was collected through survey questioner whereas; the qualitative data in turn collected through FGD and in-depth interview.
Source of data
To conduct this study the researcher was mainly employed two major sources of data, primary as well as secondary source of data
Primary data
The researcher was used primary data because of their effectiveness obtaining the require data. However, primary data are those females’ students who are found in Abba fransua High school and Primary data are obtained from the respondents by preparing questionnaire and interview to the informants.
Secondary data
The secondary source of data includes gathering information that were already collected previously and accessible from different journals, books, Internet and any other document which is related to research area.
Sample strategy and sampling procedure
The sample populations of study that would be contacted with the researcher to obtain the information that is expected to be given by the respondents as they participate in the study and the respondents are the sample population as that is forty (40) respondents in number.
To collect the require data from the school, the researcher used both non-probability sampling technique, that is snowball sampling technique and probability sampling technique that is simple random sampling technique due to its unbiased nature that enables to make random selection of individuals. The researcher was used nonprobability sampling technique to find the hidden group that is not easy to find them in other techniques. So, the researcher was makes contact in the respondents and use their social network that are potentially participating in and contribute.
The sampling selection method is based on (Salant, p, 1994);
Simple size (n) = N
1+N (e) 2
Where n= sample size
N= number of female students that is obtained from board of director of the school are 434.
e=indicate level of percentage or error
434/1+434*(15 %²)
434/10.765=40.31= which means approximately 40 respondents are selected by using simple random from probability sampling and snowball sampling from non-probability sampling.
Method of data collection
The qualitative and quantitative approach of data collection has been used.
In-depth interview
In this research the researcher interviewed 7 informants with semi structured interviews, that seem more like conversations with the respondent in order to understand their views and idea in relation to the problem and the data for the study was collected through semi-structure one to one interview with selective informants who are female students in Abba fransua High school.
The questionnaire also was consisting both open-ended and close ended questions and the respondents are the female students of “Abafransua” High school.
Focus group discussion
Focus group discussion was held within student or 9 and 10grade students, who are found in Abba fransua High schoolabout the implication of gender-based violence on academic achievement of female student. The researcher selects 7 students especially who face experience of gender-based violence, and the researcher select from the student based on their willingness to give relevant information about the issue. The purpose of (FGD) it enables or helps participant to overcome inhabitation, especially if they know other people in the group and remember the issue they might otherwise have forgotten
Methods of data analysis and interpretation
After collecting the necessary data, both qualitative and quantitative method of data analysis was used. Data that was obtained through questionnaire analyzed through percentage and table and analyzed quantitatively, and the data that was obtained by interview and focus group discussion described qualitatively. Moreover, the qualitative data would be analyzed by using thematic analysis and presented in the form of paragraph and descriptive.
Data Analysis and Presentation
This chapter present and discuss the finding of the study. The study was to investigate the implication of gender-based violence on the academic achievement of female students in Abba fransua school. The analysis of the data, and its interpretation was in relation to the objectives and research questions of the study. Data presented includes socio-demographic information of the respondent as well as the type of gender-based violence which is found in Abba-fransua, socio cultural practice related to genderbased violence and implication or impact of gender-based violence on the academic achievement or attainment of female students.
Socio-demographic background of the respondents
This section is concerned about socio demographic background information about respondents which categorized under their (sex, age, educational background, ethnicity, religion and marital status). The above (Table 1) concerned or shows, the age composition of respondents, as its shown the largest age group of the respondents were below -19 and are 32 in number and constitute 80% of the respondents, followed by 20-24 are 6(15%) and 25-29, are 2(5%) while the least age group is above 29 which 0(0%). This shows that, the largest group of the respondents is below -19 which are majority of the victims are this age group and have impact on their educational achievement.

Furthermore, the table shown, many of the respondents that attend the school were unmarried or single we can say all respondent are single which constitute 100%. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that, 100% are unmarried or single which makes more vulnerable to gender-based violence that affect their educational achievement. So far, many of the respondents were grade 9 which constitute 24(60%) of the respondents and followed by grade 10 constitute 16(40%) of the respondents. According to the above information, many of the respondents were grade 9, 60% of the respondents more their educational achievement affected by gender-based violence than the other two classes. In addition to their educational background ,38(95%) of the respondents were Guraghe people who are resident in the place followed to Guraghe we found 2.5 Amhara people respondent and 2.5 respondents are Wolyta. As the result of the above data, the majority of the respondents of the study were Gurage people so it’s clear, that majority of the victims of the gender based violence in the school are Gurage people followed by Amhara people which constitute the second portion and Wolyta at the same percent.
These differences might relate to other social markers of ethnicity, age location, sexuality, social class or caste, which always interact with gender. In addition, very little work on gender violence, or even gender and educational development more generally, has explored these gender differentiations Connell (2002). Finally, the table shows that, the respondents religious background were mostly orthodox Christians 25(62.5%) followed by Muslim followers especially Orthodox 9(22.5%) and protestant with 1(7.5) and the other religion whose well not known constitute 3(7.5).
Major type of gender-based violence that affects female academic achievement in Abba fransua School 4
This section concerned about the type of gender-based violence which is usually practiced and mostly prevalent in Abba Fransua School.
Specific forms of violence in the school
This part consists of, specific forms or type of genderbased violence which is usually practice in the school as well as surrounding. As the (Table 2) shows, the majority of the respondents answered that sexual harassment perpetrate by male students are the specific forms of violence against women in the school were 21(52.5%), followed by others, most of the student suggest that mostly affected gender based violence are socio cultural practice or patriarchal society rather than those that are mentioned in the above 16(40%) and early marriage account 3(7.5%) have more victim in Abba fransua secondary and preparatory school, and the least one is physical and psychological abuse account.

Moreover , most of the female student in the interview and focus group discussion suggested that, the most prevalent and have more victims in Abbafransua secondary and preparatory school are sexual harassment perpetuate by male students and also the student or the participants answered that, mostly affected gender based violence are resulted in socio cultural practice or patriarchal society rather than those that are mentioned in the above and early marriage account 7.5% they suggest this early marriage practice especially on the rural part of Gubre. However, this have low affect or practice in relatively little manner and also they suggested the way to minimize the problem is punishment by the law those who participated in violence and also there must be schedule to educate the society in order to create an awareness about how education have pivotal role for female.
The prevalence of GBV in the school
This section also concerned, the type of gender-based violence which is going to growing at alarming rate in recent time in the school. As (Table 3) shows that, Most of the respondent answered physical activity like hug, restrict a person movement account 21(67.5%) followed by other 5(12.5%) by mentioning that gender based violence were not seen or a bit in Abba fransua High school and verbal comment about female student and using visual object like, pornography take the least percent 3(7.5%).

In the in-depth interview, much of female discussant argue that gender-based violence are usual within the school. However, physical activity like hug, restrict a person especially females’ movement and verbal comment take high level and male students also used to show visual object like pornography for female take a bit within the school. Moreover, the data gained from in the (FGD) indicated that, there is a belief among the male students that the sole reason for a girl student to be harassed or approached violently is due to her appealing or dressing styles, her way of romantic approach, and her dependency on males due to different reasons such as for passing exam (mark) and for financial support or need of luxurious materials like for buying mobile phones.
Therefore, it is possible to say, gender based violence is going to be increasing at alarming rate with in the school, among those the most prevalent forms of gender based violence is related to male students through scandalizing girls at school by mentioning their physique position and their intelligence and the type of GBV which is usually practiced or prevalent in the school are perpetuate by male students by penetrating involuntary movement that make female students victim or vulnerable like hugging, forcefully kissing and restricting their movement however, all this are happened without the consent of female students. In addition to this, informants or discussant in the interview and FGD suggested, women in the school they faced gender based violence at perennial time by male students mostly they make inappropriate comment or verbal insult about female students toward their hair style , their body position , intelligence , beauty and so on. Furthermore, much of informants who are engaged in focus group discussion answered, male student that are found in Abbafransua school harassed or approached violently is due their different interest, habit, dress style , way of talking ,skin color are among those reason why female students may become of verbal bullying .
Socio-cultural factor associated with gender-based violence
This section tries to focus about how socio -cultural practice which is found in gubre town affect the level of educational attainment of female students in Abba Fransua school.
Cause of gender-based violence in the society
This section indicates the major cause of gender-based violence which is related to the societal culture, norm and belief of the society. As the (Table 4), shows, most of the respondents answered patriarchal ideology that support male students over female student is affect the female educational achievement 23(57.5%) followed by those respondents who answered lack of resistance from the women side to challenge the exploitation by men over the women 15(37.5%) . And the least constitute those who answer lack of social motives to address the problem of male dominance 2(15%) and who make other respectively.

In the interview, more than half of the female discussant told me that male students are the future head of the family and this because of the patriarchal ideology that support male students over female student and lack of social motives to address the problem of male dominance have a great deal with the cause. Furthermore, the cause for the incidence GBV that affects female school achievement is patriarchal ideology that support male students over female student affect the female school achievement due to females’ lack resistance to challenge the exploitation by men over women.
However, in the focus group discussion informants or female discussants bitterly blamed the traditions that maintain male superiority and female inferiority at family as well as community level. They agreed that the main reason for gender based violence is due to the dominant behavior of males started at home (family) level and later on rewarded by the community, and finally the intolerance of the government officials in putting the legal actions in to practice and failure of taking strong legal measures on the perpetrators.
Needless s to say, gender discriminatory norms with in the society promote the belief according to which men are powerful than women, and they can prove their power because they are stronger and also in the community authority is shaped by held belief that promote male domination among women this make female vulnerable or victimized in gender based violence.
Level of underestimation in the society
Moreover, in this section the researcher tries to measure the level of underestimation toward female students related with their educational background in their society. As the (Table 5), shows that most of the respondent said yes 27(62.5%)) and 13 (37.5%) respondent answered no. Therefore, this shows, that the culture which is found with in society underestimate the female student due to different reason.

Female discussant in the interview and focus group discussion agreed that, in the community there are several people who do not want the direct benefit of the girls related to education and they were not comfortable with the education of their girls. Because, they believe that once female after their marriage their full of attention goes through their husband family rather than to look out of their home due to this their participation in education is useless for their family. Therefore, the community usually underestimates them or female students.
In addition to this, the data that the researcher get from focus group discussion suggested, of course there is underestimation based on level of status of women regarding to education, but in recent time this things became minimized in higher rate, due to the globalization and government began to prioritize for female, even if now a day our family support female students to become independent but, it does not mean that it is eliminated in the society despite, there are people in a society who are think that education is valueless for female because most of the time she were dominated or subordinate by male in every manner. So, only have value for only male students to show the way or guidance for his family rather than female.
The impact (effect) of gender-based violence on female student’s educational achievements in AbaaFransua School
This section also, penetrated or tries to assess about the impact which gender-based violence result (effect) on educational achievement of female students in the school
Forms of gender-based violence that affects female education
This section indicated the specific forms of gender-based violence which is seriously affect educational attainment of female students. As the above (Table 6) shows, most of the respondents answered sexual harassment perpetrated by male students and outsiders 16(40%) followed by early and involuntary married 8(20%) while the domestic violence and physical abuse account 6(15%) respectivly and the other 3[7.5%) such as rape and family problem. And the least one is FGM which constitute (2.5%). However, this data shows that sexual harassment (sexual violence), early and involuntary marriage is the most that disturbs the educational achievement of female student and least is female genital mutilation (FGM).

Moreover, most of female informants in the interview and focus group discussion, agreed on School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV) is a fundamental violation of human rights, particularly those of women and children, and represents a considerable barrier to participation in education, gender equity and to the achievement of Education [6].
However, specific forms of gender based violence which is usually practiced in Abbafransua school results or penetrated by male students for example, male students may tower hug without the permission of female students, restrict a female movement when they cross the place, and male students gossiped about the physical structure or her romantic or beauty and also verbal abuse when they are in the library and so on, are the most. Followed to this, early and involuntary marriage make the female students drop their educational attainment without their interest or forcefully arranged marriage. Therefore, those issue that are mentioned in the above made female students to have low self-esteem, lack of confidence, inferiority, fear when they are join their friend, lack of interest about their education.
Moreover, GBV has negative consequence on their educational performance for instance, lack of concentration ,inability to study, falling grades, disruption in class, non-school attendance, dropping out of school and also, gender based violence made female students low self-esteem, lack of confidence toward everything to express their feeling ,inferiority when they are compare themselves with other, fear when they are join with their friend , lack of interest about their education they lose their hope for making their future shiny are the major which are related to sexual related gender based violence. Apart from this, the informants in focus group discussion suggested lack of confidence and life skills on how to negotiate violent sexual relationships, feeling of dependency on male students, appealing dressing styles were also stated as major triggering reasons for the problem or which result them to drop their educational attainment [7].
Conclusion and Recommendation
Most of the problem that affects female education is genderbased violence in both inside and outside the school; especially that of outside the school is the barrier to the female students. There is some challenge on female students related to genderbased violence. They said, that in recent time it severely affects the life as well as educational attainment of female students. Female discussants bitterly blamed the traditions that maintain male superiority and female inferiority at family as well as community level. They agreed that the main reason for gender based violence is due to the dominant behavior of males started at home (family) level and later on rewarded by the community, and finally the tolerance of the government officials in putting the legal actions in to practice and failure of taking strong legal measures on the perpetrators and lack of confidence and life skills on how to negotiate violent sexual relationships, feeling of dependency on male students, appealing dressing styles were also stated as major triggering reasons for the problem or the prevalent of gender based violence in the school.
Needless to say, gender discriminatory norms with in the society promote the belief according to which men are powerful than women, and they can prove their power because they are stronger and also in the community authority is shaped by held belief that promote male domination among women this make female vulnerable or victimized in gender based violence. However, specific forms of gender based violence which is usually practiced in Abbafransua school results or penetrated by male students for example, male students may tower hug without the permission of female students, restrict a female movement when they cross the place, and male students gossiped about the physical structure or her romantic or beauty and also verbal abuse when they are in the library and so on, are the most.
There is a belief among the male students that the sole reason for a girl student to be harassed or approached violently is due to her appealing dressing styles and her dependency on males due to different reasons such as for passing exam (mark) and for the need of money and also Lack of voice of female students is the major problem that create gap between level of female education and that of male education and consequences may be as the researcher find social, moral and financial dependent of female on their husband in the future that make most of wives.
Finding from this study confirmed that gender-based violence among female students is very common. Thus, the researcher would like to recommend the following points if the concerned body would intervene to reverse the situation as much as possible.
a) To elevate the knowledge basis of the gender-based violence on academic achievement of female student, first and for most their social, economic and cultural barrier should be addressed.
b) Integrate and well organized educational programs should be designed to educate the community about the harmfulness of some traditional practice such as early marriage, and wrong attitude about girls, female genital mutilation and Emphasis should be placed on behavioral change on the part gender based violence in relation to school achievement.
c) A viable policy framework and coordinated program of action should be established at all organizational levels to address the problem of gender-based violence that affect the academic of female students.
d) The school should have to secure effective education or awareness strategies in short and in the long ran targeting both girls and boys with special emphasis on girl students that help them in developing confidence and life skills useful in challenging or negotiate sexual relations. This can be done through developing curriculum on the education systems and by organizing and strengthening clubs, youth friendly services and via existing associations in the school like developing.
e) The school should have their own polices and strategies that help in addressing the problem of gender-based violence at school levels. The town of Gubre should have to build strong collaboration and integration mechanisms with community leaders, local administrators, policy makers, law enforcing bodies, women advocates, and other stakeholders in order to work on avoiding traditional harmful gender norms, putting legal actions in to practice in taking appropriate and educative measures on the perpetrators.
f) Therefore, Schools should be learning environments where social norms and gender inequalities are challenged and transformed, including attitudes and practices condoning violence. SRGBV cannot be addressed unless it is better understood. The inability to recognize and respond to SRGBV prevents the transformation of schools into empowering spaces for girls, boys and teachers.
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